5 Tips to Help Procrastination & Dreaded MONDAYS


Admit it we are all guilty of putting things off to the side. Oh I will do that later. Later becomes last minute or never. I have been there more times than I can count, but that is slowly starting to change. Oh and we cannot forget about the dreaded Mondays, that no one ever looks forward to. Whether it is homework, housework, that project for work you have not started, exercising or planning for your next vacation, you can stop procrastinating and you will thank yourself so much when you do.

Here are 5 Tips that will help you to stop procrastinating and enjoy Mondays more, they help me and will hopefully help you too!

1. Write it Down

Do you remember when you were in grade school and the teacher made you write "I will always raise my hand in class" 100 times. Well she did not do it just to torture you, there was actually a reason behind her ways. Studies have shown/proven that if you write something down rather than just hearing or looking at it you are more likely to remember it. That is why in school, even if the notes are already printed I will rewrite the notes to help remember and understand the material. So this goes with any To Do List or errand that you need to do. If you write it down, you will not only remember better but you will also feel more accountable. And you can have the satisfaction of success and completion when you cross it off your list.



2. Tell Someone Else

You may think I do not want someone else nagging me about what I have to do, but it is actually a great thing for someone else to know what you need to get done. Whether it is a family member, friend or coworker, think of it as another way to make yourself more accountable since you are not the only one aware of it and then you also have someone to support you if it is more of a daily thing like exercising or starting a project.

3. Make Use of Your Time

Time can be on your side if you treat it well. Time is sensitive and doesn't like to be wasted on Keeping up with the Kardashians. So treat time like a friend not like a lazy Sunday night. Even if you do have a show you are watching make use of the commercial time and exercise. Or if you commute to work or school make use of that time. If you space out the time that is needed for your task/errand/activity then you will not have to cram it do it all at once.



4. Wake Up Early

I know you are thinking "but I already wake up early to get ready", I used to think the same thing and then I realized if just gave myself an hour or two before I had to go to work or school I would get so much more done. Even if that means waking up early to have a well balanced breakfast, the extra time will make you feel like you have more hours in the day. Waking up the last minute always made me feel rushed and like I was wasting hours in my day and my life. Take an extra hour or two in the morning you will feel better when you do even try a half an hour earlier.

5. Be Grateful

Last year I attended a sales workshop at Quicken Loans.  Several people spoke but only one stuck with me then and probably forever. Rob Peoples had been talking and was now taking questions from the audience. One guy had asked " How do you get motivated in the morning when you have to go to work" ? Peoples answered flawlessly with " You do not have to go to school. You get to go to work and you get to go to school. Everyday is a privilege to be able to wake up and be healthy and living. Take each day as an opportunity to do something great and just be thankful that you get to do whatever it is you do everyday".  After I heard that I realized that there is no reason to hate or dread Mondays because everyday is a gift. I appreciate everyday know not just the weekends and I hope you will too because you will be really happy when you do!!

I hope these tips help you to cure your procrastination and Monday Blues. If you have any other helpful tips leave them in the comments below. Thanks again for reading, have a beautiful day!

>>>  Morgan